

Have you ever glanced at your bank statement and spotted an unfamiliar charge labeled HGB Prime? It is natural to feel puzzled and wonder if it is a scam or a legitimate transaction. In simple terms the HGB Prime transaction refers to charges related to health insurance plans provided by Humana Government Business for military personnel and their families enrolled in Tricare health programs.

These charges are not a scam but are legitimate fees covering premiums or payments for Tricare plans like Tricare Reserve Select (TRS) or Tricare Young Adult (TYA). Understanding these charges is crucial for managing your healthcare coverage and financial records effectively. So next time you see HGB Prime on your bank statement rest assured that it is a genuine transaction ensuring you and your family have essential medical coverage.

What are HGB Prime Charges?

HGB Prime charges are fees that appear on your bank statement related to health insurance plans provided by Humana Government Business. These plans cater to military personnel and their families enrolled in Tricare programs.

They cover premiums or payments for specific Tricare plans like Tricare Reserve Select (TRS), Tricare Retired Reserve (TRR), or Tricare Young Adult (TYA). These charges ensure access to comprehensive healthcare services for members of the military community.

Understanding these charges is essential for managing healthcare coverage and ensuring financial peace of mind for military families.

Humana Government Business

Humana Government Business is a branch of Humana Inc. specializing in providing health insurance to military personnel and their families. It manages Tricare health plans ensuring comprehensive coverage for the military community. 

Humana Government Business plays a vital role in administering plans like Tricare Reserve Select (TRS) and Tricare Young Adult (TYA). Its focus is on delivering quality healthcare services to those serving in the armed forces.

Tricare Reserve Select of THE HGB PRIME

Tricare Reserve Select (TRS) is a premium-based health plan for members of the Selected Reserve not on active duty. It offers comprehensive health coverage to reservists and their families. 

TRS ensures access to a wide range of medical services providing vital healthcare support for those serving in the Reserve. It is designed to meet the unique needs of reservists and their dependents offering quality care at an affordable cost.

Tricare Retired Reserve

Tricare Retired Reserve (TRR) is a health insurance plan for retired reservists under 60 not yet eligible for Medicare. It provides them and their families with essential health coverage. 

TRR serves as a crucial bridge of health insurance ensuring continued access to quality care post-retirement. 

It is tailored to meet the specific needs of retired reservists and their dependents until they become eligible for Medicare.

Tricare Young Adult

Tricare Young Adult (TYA) is a program extending healthcare coverage to young adult dependents of Tricare-eligible service sponsors. It offers continued access to comprehensive healthcare services beyond usual age limits. 

TYA serves as a valuable resource for families seeking to maintain health insurance for their young adult children. It bridges the gap until they secure their own coverage, ensuring uninterrupted access to medical care.

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How can I verify the legitimacy of a transaction from HGB Prime?


To verify the legitimacy of a transaction from HGB Prime start by reviewing your bank statement and comparing the charges with your Tricare health plan premiums or recent health service payments. This initial check can help confirm if the transaction aligns with expected costs.

If doubts persist, directly contacting Humana Government Business (HGB) or your bank is the next step. HGB can confirm specific details about the transaction while your bank can provide additional security checks and fraud protection support.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that the HGB Prime transaction is legitimate and effectively manage your healthcare coverage and financial records.

How do I know if the HGB Prime transaction is a scam?

To determine if the HGB Prime transaction is a scam first compare the charge amount and details with your known Tricare plan premiums or health service payments. Any discrepancy or unexpected charge might signal a red flag.

Next directly contacting Humana Government Business (HGB) and your bank can clarify the situation. They can verify the transaction and investigate any discrepancies, helping confirm whether it is legitimate or potentially fraudulent.
By scrutinizing the transaction details and seeking clarification from HGB and your bank, you can safeguard yourself against potential scams and ensure the legitimacy of the HGB Prime transaction on your bank statement.

Verifying the Legitimacy of the Charges

Verifying the legitimacy of the charges is crucial for financial security. Begin by checking the transaction details to ensure they align with your recent financial activities and known expenses.

Compare the charge amount with your records of Tricare plan premiums or recent payments related to health services. Any significant discrepancies may warrant further investigation.

Reach out to Humana Government Business (HGB) directly to inquire about the specific details of the charge and confirm its legitimacy. They can provide insights into the nature of the transaction and address any concerns you may have.

Check for Familiarity of THE HGB PRIME

When checking for familiarity, review the transaction details to ensure they match your recent financial activities and known expenses.Recognizing the purpose of the charge can provide initial clarity.

This step helps verify the legitimacy of the transaction and ensures accurate financial records.It is essential for detecting any unauthorized or fraudulent charges on your bank statement.

Verify the Amount

To verify the amount compare the charge with your records of Tricare plan premiums or recent payments for health services.Any significant discrepancies may indicate a potential issue.

This step ensures that the amount charged aligns with expected costs and helps confirm the legitimacy of the transaction.It is an important part of managing your financial records effectively.

Contact HGB Directly

To contact HGB directly, reach out to their customer service department via phone or email.HGB representatives can provide specific details about the transaction and address any concerns you have.

This direct communication helps clarify the nature of the charge and verify its legitimacy.It is an essential step in resolving any questions or discrepancies related to HGB Prime transactions.

Contact Your Bank

Contact your bank directly to inquire about the HGB Prime transaction on your statement.Bank representatives can assist in verifying the transaction and may offer fraud protection services if needed.

Informing your bank promptly helps ensure the security of your account and financial transactions.They can provide additional support and guidance in resolving any concerns you may have.

Review Your Plan Documentation for THE HGB PRIME

Reviewing your plan documentation is essential to understand the terms, premiums, and associated charges. Cross-reference this information with the charges on your statement to validate their legitimacy.

Ensure that you have a clear understanding of your Tricare plan to accurately assess any charges related to HGB Prime transactions.This step helps ensure transparency and accuracy in managing your healthcare coverage and financial records.

Refer to your Tricare plan documents for guidance on interpreting and verifying the charges appearing on your bank statement.

Importance of Understanding the Source of the Charge

Importance of Understanding the Source of the Charge

Understanding the source of the charge is crucial for financial security. It helps you detect unauthorized transactions early protecting your financial assets. Knowing the origin of charges also allows you to spot and rectify errors promptly.

Accurate knowledge of charge origins ensures your financial records remain reliable. It aids in effective budgeting and financial planning ensuring adequate coverage for essential services. This understanding promotes transparency and trust in financial management.

Overall, being aware of the source of charges provides peace of mind. It reassures you that your financial transactions are legitimate and helps you maintain control over your financial well-being. This proactive approach reduces the risk of potential financial threats.

Financial Security

Financial security is crucial for maintaining stability and peace of mind. It involves safeguarding your financial assets by regularly monitoring your accounts for unauthorized transactions and discrepancies.

By understanding and verifying the source of charges you can quickly detect and address potential issues ensuring your financial records are accurate and reliable. This proactive approach helps protect your financial health and supports effective budgeting and planning.


Accuracy in financial management ensures your records reflect true expenses and income aiding in effective decision-making.

It helps you identify and correct errors promptly maintaining the reliability of your financial statements. Accurate records support better budgeting and planning ensuring that you allocate funds appropriately.

This precision is essential for achieving financial goals and maintaining overall financial health.

Peace of Mind

Peace of mind in financial management comes from knowing your transactions are legitimate and accurately recorded. This assurance allows you to focus on other aspects of life without worrying about financial discrepancies or fraud. Regularly verifying charges and maintaining accurate records contribute to this tranquility. It helps you feel secure and confident in your financial stability.

Budget Management

Budget management involves tracking and planning your income and expenses to ensure financial stability. By understanding and categorizing your charges, you can allocate funds effectively and avoid overspending. This practice helps you prioritize essential expenses and save for future goals. Good budget management leads to better financial health and reduced stress.


Transparency in financial management means having a clear and open view of all your transactions and expenses. This clarity helps build trust and accountability ensuring that every charge is legitimate and correctly recorded. It enables you to make informed financial decisions and quickly identify any discrepancies or fraudulent activities. Maintaining transparency is key to achieving financial integrity and security.

Risk Mitigation

Risk mitigation involves identifying potential financial threats and implementing strategies to minimize them. Regularly monitoring your accounts and verifying charges helps detect unauthorized transactions early. This proactive approach safeguards your financial assets and ensures stability. Effective risk mitigation reduces the likelihood of financial loss and enhances overall financial security.

HGB Prime charge on debit card and credit card

HGB Prime charge on debit card and credit card

HGB Prime charges on your debit card are legitimate transactions related to your Tricare health insurance plan managed by Humana Government Business. Review your bank statement and compare these charges with your known premiums or health service payments to confirm their accuracy.

HGB Prime charges on your credit card signify payments for Tricare health plans. Ensure the charge amounts match your Tricare plan premiums to verify their legitimacy. If any discrepancies arise contacting HGB or your bank can help clarify the situation.

By regularly checking these charges you can ensure they are accurate and legitimate. This practice helps maintain financial security and prevents unauthorized transactions on your accounts.

Signs of Potential Scam

Signs of a potential scam include unfamiliar charges labeled as HGB Prime on your bank statement. If the charge amount does not match your known Tricare premiums or health service payments it may be a red flag.

Unexpected or significantly higher charges than usual are another warning sign. Review your recent financial activities to ensure all transactions are legitimate and expected.

If you suspect a scam promptly contact Humana Government Business and your bank. They can help verify the transaction and provide support in case of fraudulent activity. Regular monitoring of your statements is key to early detection.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prevent unauthorized transactions from appearing as HGB Prime on my bank statement?

To prevent unauthorized transactions from appearing as HGB Prime on your bank statement regularly monitor your account activity and promptly report any suspicious charges to your bank. Safeguard your debit and credit card information to prevent unauthorized access.

How do I contact HGB Prime customer support?

You can contact HGB Prime customer support by visiting their official website and accessing their customer service contact information. This typically includes phone numbers email addresses and sometimes live chat support options.

What services does HGB Prime offer?

HGB Prime offers a range of health insurance services primarily focused on providing comprehensive coverage to military personnel and their families through various Tricare health plans including TRS, TRR, and TYA.

How can I resolve disputes and protect myself against unauthorized transactions?

To resolve disputes and protect against unauthorized transactions promptly notify your bank or credit card provider of any discrepancies, provide evidence supporting your claim and request assistance in disputing the charge and securing your account.

How do I check my Prime transactions?

You can check your Prime transactions by accessing your bank’s online banking platform or mobile app navigating to your transaction history and reviewing the list of recent transactions including those labeled as HGB Prime.


Understanding HGB Prime transactions is essential for managing your financial well being and ensuring accurate billing. These charges are legitimate and cover premiums or payments for Tricare health plans providing vital healthcare coverage for military personnel and their families.

By verifying the legitimacy of these charges and promptly addressing any concerns you can safeguard yourself against potential scams or unauthorized transactions. This proactive approach helps maintain financial security and ensures peace of mind regarding your healthcare coverage.

Overall, staying informed about HGB Prime transactions empowers you to effectively manage your finances and confidently navigate your healthcare coverage. Remember to review your bank statements regularly contact HGB or your bank if needed, and prioritize financial transparency for a secure financial future.

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